Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Create this easy to make bouquet with plants foraged from your own backyard.

20 Minutes
Pruning Sheers
Fabric Tape

When we first moved, I was short on time and wanted something handmade, simple, yet elegant to introduce ourselves to the neighborhood. While roaming the property one morning I began to gather some of the naturally growing greens. With some pruning sheers, a little fabric tape and a pair of sharp scissors, 15 minutes later I had  fresh and fragrant bouquet to share with our new friends.

There is a lot of freedom with this project and it all really depends upon what you have growing in your yard. As you see we didn't have any flowers at the time, but I was able to gather some tree branches and herbs to create a modern monochrome arrangement. To add some interest to the bouquet prune plants of differing sizes and varieties.

I used a mix of Rosemary, lavender, and olive tree branches and kraft colored fabric tape I picked up at Once Around, a local craft store. Once you have your greens cut, lay them out on a flat surface and line up the bottoms of the stems.

The last step is my favorite as I am obsessed with tying the perfect bow. Place a piece of fabric tape underneath the gathered greens. I always recommend cutting about 1/3rd more than you think you need. This enables you to trim as you like and leaves enough to trim again if you don't get a clean edge the first time. Next,tie in a tight bow. This should be easy with fabric tape as it is not slippery and will hold the greens steady and firm. Lastly trim the tape, I like to trim on on angle. 

And there you have it, a handmade backyard bouquet!  Who will you give yours to?



Original photography, art direction + styling for Zelma Rose by Lisa Anderson Shaffer

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