Monday, February 4, 2013

Now Hear This 2.4.13

If you were able to take a short break from the Super Bowl insanity yesterday, you might have noticed that yours truly was featured in the Style section of the San Francisco Chronicle!  You can find the article here. This was Zelma Rose's first feature in a major Newspaper and the process was pretty interesting.  When I heard that the distribution of the Chronicle was hitting record numbers yesterday due to the 49ers making it to the Super Bowl, I kind of threw up in my mouth a little.  Yeah, I was nervous.

Zelma Rose Feature SF Chronicle 2.3.13
I met with writer Maura Hurley right after the first of the year and sat down for what was to be a 40 minute interview.  We had so much to talk about, once she asked me about my daughter I couldn't shut up! We spoke for two hours.  It was kind of mind blowing to think back on my first memories of art making, high school, and college.  It kind of felt that I had jumped in the DeLorean and traveled back in time. I left having very little idea of what the story would focus on, but also feeling like Maura had a pretty good idea of who I was as a designer and what Zelma Rose was all about. 

About a month later, photographer Liz Hafalia came to my studio to snap a bunch of shots of me working, my inspiration boards, and a ton of my work in progress.  It was fun and interesting to see what a different set of eyes focuses on.  

Zelma Rose Studio
So far the response has been great and I'm excited to see what's next for Zelma Rose.  New York Times I'm commin' for ya!

Five things I learned from this:

1. Don't burn your tongue on really hot tea right before a 2 hour interview.
2. We totally lose perspective of the road we have taken to get where we are.
3. Clean your studio immediately after the holiday push otherwise you are on your hands and knees at 3 am sweeping up before a photo shoot. Glamorous.
4. I am uncomfortable in tights.
5. That Madewell bag I was feeling uncertain about totally rocks. (I'll post about it in Style File soon).

Stop back Wedensday for my new feature In The Studio.  I'll be filling you in on the prep for my Valentine's Day Trunk Show at Rare Device this weekend. 



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