Wednesday, June 5, 2013

In the Studio 6.5.13 with Soprano Amanda Forsythe

I'm so excited today to introduce you to one of our customers, Amanda Forsythe. I've known Amanda since High School and besides being incredibly intelligent and a rock star mom, she also happens to be a professional opera singer, a soprano to be specific. Having your voice be an instrument is creativity on a whole other level. I often think about when the act of making is practice that then leads up to a public performance. While it is very different from the solitude and quiet that I experience in the studio during the design process, I think they both result in the exciting and often crazy life that comes with one dedicated to the arts. I was lucky enough to touch base with Amanda this past weekend when she sent me some beautiful photos featuring our Yellow & Grey Statement Necklace.

Arielle Doneson Corrigan Photography

Arielle Doneson Corrigan Photography
If you are in the Boston area, you can catch Amanda perform Handel's Almira this weekend at the  Boston Early Music Festival through June 23rd. For other upcoming performances, including the Rossini Opera Festival, visit Amanda's website, where you can also hear her incredible voice. 



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